


World Languages Department

World languages at Foxcroft focus on skills in communication, 解释, 文化能力, 以及全球领导力.

Students will not only be able to express themselves verbally, but they will also understand the impact cultures have on the world, and learn to see themselves as being part of the global community.

At the completion of the World Language program at Foxcroft, a graduate 沟通 effectively with a variety of audiences and in different settings where her acquired language is utilized. The student will accurately interpret the cultural, 口语, and written elements of her chosen world language while being a 文化主管, 尊重, and caring participant in society and in the global community.

To connect to the global community, teachers strive to bring the world into the classroom. Students utilize and expand their language skills when researching a major global issue, 比如气候变化, and then making recommendations to address this complex problem. Faculty members ask students to successfully navigate airport security or locate their lost luggage in a conversational role-play scenario. Class discussions and assignments are connected to current newsworthy topics, 文化庆祝活动, 艺术, and significant historical 事件. 例如, Women’s 历史 Month inspires dialog and learning about the contributions of women in society. El Día de Muertos, Day of the Dead, 是一个 time to learn about Mexican culture and heritage. These applications prepare students to enter a world of global citizenship.


Explore Our World Languages 课程

Portrait of a World Language Graduate

At the completion of the World Language program at Foxcroft, a graduate…

...沟通 effectively with a variety of audiences and in different settings where the World Language is used.
准确… 解释 the cultural, 口语, and written elements/aspects of a World Language.
...是一个 文化主管 participant in the society of the World Language.
...参与 in the global community with respect and care.



  • Expresses self spontaneously and accurately at the appropriate register.

  • Produces and presents original written and oral material in an organized manner.

  • Integrates cross-cultural communication.

  • Elicits input from others.


  • Analyzes known words to understand and make meaning of authentic material.

  • Uses context to interpret writing and speech.

  • Interprets linguistic and cultural cues to augment understanding.

  • Applies interdisciplinary knowledge to make meaning.


  • Examines the role of history and geography in shaping a  country’s identity and lifestyle.

  • Recognizes the impact  of other cultures.

  • Respects cultural nuances.

  • Deconstructs self identity through explorations of other cultures.


  • Recognizes  global connections.

  • Sees herself as being part of the global community.

  • Collaborates across cultures.

  • Employs her global knowledge to address real-world problems.

Meet Our World Languages Faculty



职称: World Languages Department Chair, Lead Dorm Parent
度: M.A., Universidad de Salamance


职称: French Teacher/Dorm Parent
度: M.P.S., George Washington University
B.A., Randolph-Macon Women's College


职称: 拉丁
度: M.A.我是耶鲁神学院的


职称: 西班牙语
度: J.D., Universidad de Barcelona
Level 500 Certificate in French, Middlebury College